Thursday, April 17, 2008

Don't touch a....

Don't touch a wired battery and a metal frame at the same time.

Story time....

I was taking apart an old digital camera 1. for curiosity sake and 2. to see if I could fix the problem it has been having with fuzzy pictures. Anyway, I get all the outer case off, and start to take off the inner plastic case, all the while I noticed it had an internal battery that must get charged from the 4 AA batteries that you power it with. I don't think anything of it, I soon find out that battery is wired to the metal parts that I am using for leverage when trying to pry off the inner case. So long story short about 3 minutes after dropping the camera, with the faint smell of burnt hairs and flesh and a throbbing in my tongue with a metallic taste, I realize that the camera electrocuted me. My ring finger on my left hand that was in direct contact with the battery is purple with a small blister from where I touched the wire. I proceeded to put the camera back together. I think I am going to scrap it.

I don't really have a GIS term today. I did do a search for Aggie Mackenzie from How Clean Is Your House. That turned up:

To which I then looked up the word "tasty" and found two delicious photos:

I think I could get used to the idea of "Tasty Tuesday..."
Lets see, we have had the lesson of the day, the images of the day, now we need the quote of the day.
"Hateful to me as the gates of Hades is that man who hides one thing in his heart and speaks another."
--Homer (not simpson)

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