Thursday, August 21, 2008


I made myself an omelet for dinner last night. IT was fantastic!! Eggs, salsa, and pepper-jack cheese. The following picture is not mine, but my omelet was just as fantastic looking and probably better tasting.

Omelets fascinate me. There used to (quite possibly still is) an omelet shop in Chicago that my friends and I used to go to ALL the time, ever time we went up there. I would always get the spinach and feta omelet. They then would bring me out this heaping plate of warm, smelly goodness. The eggs were like clouds. *drools* I then made it my mission to make AWESOME omelets for anyone who wants one. So omelets are probably about the only thing that I absolutely rock at making.

OK, so thinking of spinach and feta reminds me of the spinach and feta calzone I used to get at One World in Peoria before the douche bags changed over to making pizzas. I would get a spinach, feta, and walnut calzone with raspberry vinaigrette. Hold on while I go find a picture to drool all over.

Yes, I am aware that this calzone has a cup of not raspberry vinaigrette, but just use your imagination.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


It's been a while.....who cares....STFU

Lets see, since I last updated, apparently nothing has happened. Not entirely true. I have been to Florida for a week and back, hung out with my mom under a tent and drank LOTS of beer, and saw tons of people I used to hang with in high school under that same tent. This tent would be the beer tent at Brimfield Old Settlers Days. That saturday was NUTZ.

Pic I have been holding out to put online.

Which brings me talk about my moms friend. I'll call her Hippie. Well Hippie is a fuckin Hippie, with her clove cigarette smokin ass. I don't know why I have an issue with hippies, but I do. I try not too, but I can't help myself. I don't dislike all hippie-minded people, I just don't care for real hippies, who smell like patchouli and travel around smokin dope and looking like bums. Anyway, I digress. Hippie was hangin under the beer tent, smokin her cloves, and spinnin to the bunk ass country music playing. I think she kept trying to make out with my mom. Which if my mom wants to get her swerve on with a chick, I don't care, but please don't let it be the fuckin hippie!!

Ok, I am done with the Hippie.